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Rich Products Acquires Jacqueline’s Gourmet Cookies

May 2, 2017

BUFFALO, N.Y., May 2, 2017 – Rich Products has acquired Jacqueline’s Gourmet Cookies, a family-owned company with 125 employees based in Salem, Mass. The purchase will allow Rich’s to expand its cookie operation with the creation of a dedicated center of expertise at the Massachusetts operation.

According to Ray Burke, president of Rich’s U.S. Canada business, the move fits in with Rich’s long-range plans to grow organically and through acquisitions.

“In addition to growth through increasing demand and innovation, we are committed to driving significant growth from acquisitions and joint ventures,” he said. “These opportunities also provide us with new and different capabilities.”

Jacqueline’s began in 1993 in Malden, Mass., in the home-based kitchen of Jacqueline Hazel. It was incorporated in 2000 and moved from Malden to Salem in 2006, the site of the company’s production and distribution center. Jacqueline’s has been highly successful by selling its line of frozen cookies to regional and national supermarket chains, cruise lines and food service operators, which in turn bake them for service or sale.

“For several years now, we’ve been ready to take our company to the next level. We’ve known that with the right partner, we can be even more successful,” said Marc Hazel, president of Jacqueline’s.

Rich’s will keep the Jacqueline’s name, along with its facility and workforce, Burke said. Marc Hazel will likewise stay on and be responsible for day-to-day leadership of his family’s company.

Rich’s already has cookies in its product portfolio and has plans to leverage Jacqueline’s to up its game, Burke said.

“Jacqueline’s will allow us to further expand, develop and drive incredible growth in the cookie category. And even more, to be the leader in the category. It opens the door to new capabilities, an expanded product range, a broadened customer base and deep cookie expertise,” he said.

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