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June 3, 2020

A note from Rich’s CEO Richard Ferranti:

The values of this company have stood and will always stand for embracing inclusion, diversity and the unqualified rejection of racism in all shapes and forms. In light of what’s transpired in the U.S. over the past week, I feel compelled to comment on the brutal and unconscionable death of George Floyd in Minneapolis… a message that simply could not wait for a Friday update. And as I sit here trying to find the right words, I’m conscious that whatever I say might not capture the many thoughts and feelings each of you may be experiencing. However, I’d like to share with you what’s on my mind.

Over the course of the past week, here in the U.S. and in many cities around the world, we’ve been reminded of the injustices that so many face simply because of the color of their skin. Rightful cries for equality and justice have been ignited. While we unequivocally condemn violence, we unconditionally support those who are peacefully protesting to make their voices heard. While seemingly inconceivable, the deep systemic stain of racism and intolerance still exists in 2020. In all honesty, what that reality feels like… that sense of fear, frustration and anguish… is impossible for me and so many of us to deeply and genuinely understand. But we can be more reflective. We can take moments like these to stand up against prejudice, work harder at recognizing our own unconscious biases and focus more on celebrating what makes each of us unique.

Though we are collectively shaken – especially the members of our Black community who feel this pain most deeply – I want to remind all of you that Rich’s is a global organization of enormous diversity; an extraordinary mix of backgrounds, cultures, races and religions. Simply put, racism and injustice are the antithesis of who we are and what we stand for. So even while the world around us is in turmoil, know you are part of an organization that is stronger and more welcoming because of our differences, not in spite of them.

In times like these, please remember that our commitment to inclusion, diversity and respect for all our people will never waver. This belief has been underscored and reaffirmed by Bob, Mindy and Bill consistently over time and especially during our most recent conversations. And it’s our commitment to you that we will listen. We will learn. We will act. Above all else, Rich’s will continue to build and foster an environment of belonging because as a company, while we have much to be proud of and build upon, there is still work to be done.

For 75 years, our company has been about bringing people together. With our collective character, timeless values and unrelenting resolve, I know that we can and will make a difference.

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